UNFSS+ 2: Checking in on Pathways for real impact
23 July 2023
Taking Stock, Refining, Accelerating Action For all
Foodactioncities editorial
Implementing country food system pathways to realise real impact, to reshape food systems and advance access to safe, staple and nutritious foods is happening in many countries around the world. Perhaps not perfectly, perhaps a little slower than needed, perhaps needing more inclusion and better address of equity, perhaps not as aligned as originally planned…but it is happening. Food is increasingly on the global agenda but not sufficiently so despite the enormous potential food system interventions can have. Food and nutrition security and the need to urgently transform food systems so that people are cared for and can pursue their prosperity and the environment can thrive and provide a ‘’safe space’’ for living and non-living entities is vital. However, it takes more than political will to realise real impact in the everyday lives of people and the environment.
Everyone needs to be involved, in small and big ways, and continuously involved including cities, local and national governments, and the diversity of food systems stakeholders involved directly or indirectly, formally or informally. This means the UN Food System Summit (UNFSS) + 2 Stocktaking Moment is for you too! Not part of the national representation attending in person? THEN REGISTER NOW! To access via special link the live (internet) streaming of all the main and side events!
For too long food systems transformation has been driven mainly by global forces: conferences, reports, recommendations, and data. Now country transformation has to take centre stage.
Lawrence Haddad, executive Director, GAIN
Register Now to get special link for hybrid and/or live streaming. If attending in person you can attend any event.
Useful Links
UNFSS+2 HUB Home Page: https://www.unfoodsystemshub.org/fs-stocktaking-moment/
UNFSS+2 Programme
- Main Programme: https://www.unfoodsystemshub.org/fs-stocktaking-moment/programme/en
- Side Event Programme: https://www.unfoodsystemshub.org/fs-stocktaking-moment/programme/side-events/en
- UNFSS+2 (2023) Interview with Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director GAIN and former UNFSS Action Track 1 Lead: https://www.gainhealth.org/media/news/my-hopes-un-food-systems-summit2-stocktaking-moment
- DEVEX UNFSS 2021 Interview with Lawrence Haddad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAD7pfhxi5M
Highlighting a selection of UNFSS+2 sessions:
24th July, 12.30-13.30, Ethiopia room, FAO – Side-event: City, local and national governments join actions with multiple actors towards healthy, inclusive, sustainable and resilient food system
24th July, 16:00-17:30 CET, RED ROOM, FAO – Special Event: Leveraging Urbanisation for Food Systems Transformation
25th July, 16.30-17.30 – Special event: Taking stock of progress: scaling up transformative private sector investment in food systems
Panelist from GAIN: Dr. Lawrence Haddad
26th July, 12.30-13.30, Austria room, FAO – Side-event: Multi-stakeholder collaboration for food systems transformation: From concepts to action
Panelist from GAIN: Joyce Akpata
25th July, 18:00-19:00 – Virtual Side Event: National Pathways: Spotlight on Nutrition, Gender, and Food Systems Transformation
26th July, 12.30-13.30, Philippines room, FAO – Side-event: Youth leading transformation: Accelerating inclusive food systems in collaboration with UNFSS