A Solidarity Food Market – Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Key Insights

  • A Solidarity Food Market for sustainable production and knowledge sharing
  • A seal of good sustainable practices to promote sustainable production
  • Decreasing pesticide use to improve overall health


According to the Pesticide Action Network, Costa Rica ranks among the highest pesticide users globally, with an average application of 25 kg/hectare of cultivated land. In 2022, the Solidarity Supply Market was established in Santa Ana, Costa Rica, through a collaborative effort between local producers and the local government. Its main objective is to create a closed agro-chain system. To achieve this, the local government provides training and guidance to the producers, aiming to address the negative environmental impact caused by excessive pesticide use and to improve overall health and nutrition in the community. The strategy employed involves the implementation of a seal of sound sustainable practices developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. The seal is awarded to producers who have adopted sustainable practices and are actively involved in the municipal program. By doing so, the market encourages and promotes environmentally friendly and responsible production methods. The city allocated the central park as the designated space for this initiative. The ‘Mercadito’ serves as more than just a marketplace for trading goods; it also operates as an educational platform and a space for cultural exchange. The ‘Mercadito’ promotes access to fresh and locally produced food through a public-private partnership, serving as a governance strategy to strengthen the community’s overall well-being. Today, 33 local producers sell their products at the local market every Wednesday.


Food Action Cities. (2023, September 5). A Solidarity Food Market – Santa Ana, Costa Rica.  Food Action Cities. https://foodactioncities.org/case-studies/a-solidarity-food-market—santa-ana-costa-rica/

Photo: by Csavil, through CC BY-SA 4.0,Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0


Photo: by Csavil, through CC BY-SA 4.0,Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

The action and its aims

The aim of the the Solidarity Supply Market project is to create a closed agro-chain, stimulate sustainable production, and improve the overall health of the community. This is being done by training local producers, providing local producers a seal of good sustainable practices, and through the development of the Solidarity Food Market. 

When it was introduced

This project was introduced in 2022.

Why it was needed

According to the Pesticide Action Network, Costa Rica ranks among the highest pesticide users globally, with an average application of 25 kg/hectare of cultivated land. Numerous agrochemicals are linked to health issues, ranging from acute symptoms, such as nausea and dizziness, to long-term diseases, such as forms of cancer.  In 2019, sixteen schoolchildren were poisoned, causing headache, dizziness, and nausea. This project was needed to decrease the use of pesticides, and increase knowledge sharing. Further, certifications for small producers are expensive. With the development of a seal of good sustainable production, producers can differentiate themselves.

Who initiated it, who is involved

This project was initiated by the City of Santa Ana. The seal of good sustainable production was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Impacts to date

Thirty three local producers sell their products at the local market every Wednesday.

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Food System

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include a significant number of interconnected objectives related to agriculture and food.

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