The action and its aims
AgriParis, the newly established operator by the City of Paris and its collaborators, has a mandate to achieve several key objectives. These include ensuring the supply of nutritious, sustainable, regional and affordable food to Paris and its metropolitan area, providing long-term market access and fair incomes to farmers in the Paris region, and reducing the environmental impact associated with the food supply.
When it was introduced
The City of Paris initiated the formation of the operator, AgriParis, through two consultation events in 2021. The first, the Citizen’s Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Food (CCAAD), where the question, “What does eating well mean in 2021?” was posed. The second conference was the Etats Généraux de l’Agriculture et l’Amimentation Durables (EGAAD).
Why it was needed
Each year, the City of Paris provides 30 million meals to a diverse range of recipients, including young children in creches and primary schools, individuals residing in municipal facilities, city employees, and those who are most in need, such as Emeraude and solidarity restaurants. Through the New Sustainable Food Plan, the City of Paris has established ambitious objectives: to achieve 100% organic food, with at least 50% sourced from local short supply chains by 2027.
Who initiated it, who is involved
The AgriParis operator was initiated by the City of Paris. In the development process of AgriParis 50 Parisians, 50 individuals from the Ile-de-France region, and over 500 professionals from the agricultural and food sectors were involved. The wider consultations included academics, business and local food suppliers and marketers.
Impacts to date
Several City departments are currently collaborating to establish the first initiatives, which will subsequently be handed over to AgriParis. AgriParis is getting support from City departments. Moreover, the City of Paris has a deputy Mayor that specifically focusses on food and agriculture.